Legislating Your Success
Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. (Job 22:28)
Words are the means by which we legislate royal realities into existence in earthly realms. Royalty literally legislates God’s kingdom on earth by God-given words spoken by faith. We “decree a thing” by faith, and it comes to pass (Job 22:28). A decree is “an order usually having the force of law.” It is used to legislate.
Words don’t just express opinions; they establish realities, change destinies, and call forth invisibilities. Words allow God’s power to flow through us in proportion to the image of God in us. Like God, we decree words of life in the midst of seemingly impossible and catastrophic situations, transforming those situations by the power of His Word.
Faith works even when nothing seems to be happening. As you continue speaking and legislating your future, things begin to turn. We have Jesus as our High Priest in heaven. He hears our words and is making sure we get what we have asked of the Father and confessed with our mouths. Once those faith-filled words are spoken, the Father immediately assigns angels to your case, and the Holy Spirit moves on your behalf. Your job and mine is to hold fast until the answer appears.
Father, I praise You for Your wonderful ways! Thank you that You have given me power through speaking faith-filled words to change my situation. I decree victory over the devil in my health, my family, my business (or job), my finances, and my ministry. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Bill Winston’s revelatory book, Revelation of Royalty. Order this amazing book today!
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