O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the Lord our maker. For he is our God; (Psalm 95:6–7)


Worshipping God in the spirit and in truth, adoring His greatness and character. We know Him because His Word has revealed His nature and the Bible is full of accounts where He has manifested His goodness to many. Musicians will use their instruments in worship, dancers will dance, artists will create, poets will compose…use your gift to honor God today. (Psalm 95:6–7, 150, John 4:23–24)


Dear God, I worship and adore You. For You are great and greatly to be praised. Teach me how to worship in spirit and truth as Jesus told the woman at the well that true worshippers would do. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

This devotional is excerpted from Dr. Veronica Winston’s book, 125 Ways to Connect with God. To order your copy of this valuable book, click here.

Listen to this devotional here.