A Ministry of Miracles
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.” (John 14:12 NKJV)
Many people don’t associate the marketplace with miracles. To suggest that God supernaturally works in business, education, and all spheres of influence might even bring ridicule. Surely, some might say, business success comes only through hard work, the right contacts, and the art of being cunning.
God does work miracles in the marketplace, and He always has, from the days of Abraham until now. God delights in our workplace success and gave us The Blessing in Genesis 1:28 to guarantee it.
Jesus had a ministry of miracles, and most were performed beyond the four walls of the synagogue. Whether at the shoreline or in a desert place, Jesus taught the Kingdom of God and then demonstrated the supernatural to the multitudes. He also taught His disciples
about miracles and expected His disciples—and us—to follow in His footsteps.
Are you ready to have a ministry of miracles in your sphere of influence?
Dear God, thank you that Your Son Jesus is our example of the Kingdom power You want to display in the earth through us, Your present-day disciples. I receive Your assignment to demonstrate the supernatural to those around me. Anoint me with the same miracle-working power that Jesus walked in. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Dr. Bill Winston’s just released book, Miracles in the Marketplace. With powerful teaching and compelling real-life stories, he shares that God’s people are made for miracles. Order this amazing book today!
Listen to this confession here.

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