Finishing What Adam Started
And the Lord God took the man (Adam), and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. (Genesis 2:15)
We read in this week’s scripture verse, “And the Lord God took the man (Adam), and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” What does the word “keep” mean here?
The word keep in the New American Standard Bible (NASB) translation means “to cultivate.” This has to do with tilling and bringing forth something. Adam was supposed to take that which was in the garden and spread it throughout the world. Said another way, Adam’s assignment before he fell was to take the culture of the kingdom and plant it throughout the Earth.
Today, as the Church, we have been mandated to fulfill the same assignment. We are to take up where Adam left off. We are supposed to take the culture of God’s kingdom to every nation and plant it there. The culture of the kingdom is outlined in the constitution of the kingdom, the Bible, and biblical systems can overthrow Babylonian systems, or any systems trying to operate without God.
This is why we, as Christ’s ambassadors, have to bring the kingdom of God to the earth and shift the culture. This is the Church’s job…to finish what Adam started.
Dear God, I accept my assignment as Christ’s ambassador in the Body of Christ, the Church, to finish what Adam started. Reveal to me through Your Word Your plans and purposes for this season in my life. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Dr. Bill Winston’s just released book, Miracles in the Marketplace. With powerful teaching and compelling real-life stories, he shares that God’s people are made for miracles. Order this amazing book today!
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