Manifesting God’s Miracles
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
You may not realize it, but if you are born again, you are a walking, breathing miracle. When you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, something supernatural happened. The Creator of the whole universe and His Kingdom came to live on the inside of you.
Too many of God’s people have been talked out of believing in miracles, and that has to change—Jesus is still speaking and working miracles today. He is simply doing them through His new body, the Church. It is time to rekindle every believer’s fire for walking in the supernatural.
Manifesting God’s miracles, and faith comes only one way—by the Word of God. Miracles must be preached right alongside the Kingdom of God. In these last days there are battles you can’t win and promises you’ll be hard-pressed to possess without a miracle. Human intellect and ability alone will be no match for the devil.
Miracles are designed to turn people from false gods to the True and Living God, from trusting in the systems of the world to trusting in the far more superior systems of the Kingdom. The Kingdom of heaven is the true world superpower. This is why the enemy works overtime to take away or stop the miracle-working power of God through the Body of Christ.
God’s assignments require the power of the supernatural, not theological doctrine and religious precepts. To fulfill your divine destiny, you will have to develop a miracle mindset.
Dear God, thank you for my salvation in Christ Jesus and that You have made me brand-new. I praise You for giving me the power to work miracles just like Jesus did. I step out boldly in faith according to Your Word to win battles and receive Your promises. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Dr. Bill Winston’s just released book, Miracles in the Marketplace. With powerful teaching and compelling real-life stories, he shares that God’s people are made for miracles. Order this amazing book today!
Listen to this confession here.

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