Get the Devil Off Your Back
…how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
(Acts 10:38)
The devil is behind all oppression, and sickness is one manifestation of oppression. The devil is defeated though, and the only power he has is what man gives him. He started in the garden of Eden as a snake and ended up in the book of Revelation as a dragon.
When the enemy was busy buffeting Paul and raising up opposition against Paul from city to city, Paul sought God three times that it might depart from him. God’s response was (my personal paraphrase), “Paul, I don’t need to get the devil off your back. You get him off your own back. Just use the grace that I’ve given you.”
God wants you to defeat the devil so you can pass through places where satan can’t even touch you. Just like when Jesus preached His first sermon and the religious folk got so angry, they wanted to throw Him off a cliff. But they weren’t able to touch Him He just passed through the midst of the crowd and went His way (see Luke 4:28–30).
Say this with boldness, “God is with me and His Word is still healing today. God’s grace is sufficient for me, so devil, get off my back, get off my healing, and get out of my life! In Jesus’ Name.”
This devotional is excerpted from Bill and Veronica Winston’s book, Divine Healing. To order this powerful 30-day devotional that will bring healing and wholeness to every area of your life, click here.
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