Heritage of Protection
who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: (Colossians 1:13)
When we are divinely positioned, we are divinely protected. Abraham and Sarah were divinely protected, twice. Moses was divinely protected from Pharaoh, and Daniel was divinely protected from jealous colleagues. And, as children of God, we and our families are divinely protected as we follow God and obey His commands.
We have a heritage of protection. This protection makes it impossible for you to be assaulted, molested, hurt (including accidents), or even harassed. God delivers your soul from destruction, “who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies” (Psalm 103:4). The Holy Spirit has sealed you against all the works of the wicked. We are sealed until the time our earthly assignment and pilgrimage are over. One of the reasons for the vengeance of the Lord is to bring us into the place prepared for us, and to guarantee that our destiny is reached.
God not only turns wrongs into rights, He also repays you for the wrongs you have suffered. It’s called recompense, which means to make return of an equivalent for anything given, done or suffered; to make amends; or to pay damages. One story of divine recompense is when God delivered the children of Israel from Egypt. God not only wanted the children of Israel delivered from bondage, He also wanted Pharaoh to pay damages—400 years’ worth of damages! Pharaoh was going to pay damages to one generation for everything suffered during 400 years of slavery.
The people of God went free, and they took the spoil of the Egyptians without a fight. They found favor in the sight of their enemies to receive all that they had. That is divine recompense!
Dear God, thank you that You have divinely positioned me to fulfill Your plan for my life. I believe I receive Your favor and recompense for (name a situation in which the devil has stolen from you). In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Bill Winston’s book, Vengeance of the Lord. To order this all-important book, click here.
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