There Is A Lion In You!
a lion, mighty among beasts, who retreats before nothing
(Proverbs 30:30 NIV)
Folks, we are in a faith fight! Jude 3 exhorts us to “contend for the faith.” There are giants (demons, obstacles, problems that look too big to overcome) standing between you and the promises of God. We are in a battle, and as we go up to fight, there’s something I need to stir up in you.
In Revelation, chapter 5, Jesus is identified as the “Lion of the tribe of Judah.” And, Hebrews 2:11 says that He (Jesus) is not ashamed to call us His brothers and sisters. So, if Jesus is a lion, you’ve got to be a lion, too!
A lion is the king of beasts. He is mighty and regal, and will not retreat from any threat or attack. It’s time to get on your “growl.” No more passive faith. You’ve got to get aggressive and take back what the devil has stolen from you. You’ve got to fight those giants that stand in the way of what Jesus, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, has already won for you—your healing, your increase, your victory over every obstacle. Go ahead, hold your head up, and let out a loud grrr. There’s a lion in you!
Dear Lord, stir up the lion inside of me. Make me bold as a lion, able to conquer anything that comes against me—my health, my finances, my family—because Jesus is the Lion, and He’s not ashamed to call me His brother (or sister). I proclaim, “I have lion faith today!” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Bill Winston’s book, The Law of Confession. To order this powerful, must-read book, click here. Discover how the words you speak produce either good or evil and will determine your destiny and affect everything around you. |
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