Vision Pulls You Straight Ahead
Where there is no vision [no revelation of God and His word], the people are unrestrained; But happy and blessed is he who keeps the law [of God].
(Proverbs 29:18 AMP)
With vision, you focus on the target ahead. You cannot look down and go straight. Your vision is designed to pull you straight in the direction you want to go. Vision drives your behavior and your decisions. When you don’t have a vision, you run wild. That’s true for any of us. That is the way of life.
Besides the Holy Ghost, vision is the most powerful force that can operate in your life. It will make you get up early in the morning as well as go to bed at night instead of watching TV all night. The enemy was after Joseph’s vision; he wasn’t after Joseph. If he could have blurred Joseph’s vision, Joseph would not have been able to fulfill his calling because he would not have been able to see through the storm.
All of us are born with something that God wants us to do. We must learn to visualize it! When you clearly see the vision, it will give you the direction for the way you should travel—and remember not to look down or look back.
I’ve discovered that people who really have a revelation make all the necessary preparations. It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are or what the people say. Once you have a vision, you are driven by what you must do to fulfill that vision. For example, Noah was called by God to build an ark because there was going to be a great flood. When you have a revelation, you can see things that other people cannot see and know things that others do not know. The people who observe you in preparation mode might say, “You’re acting strange.” What they are really seeing though is you acting on the revelation that will propel you to move forward with your vision.
Dear God, thank you for the vision to go straight in the direction You want me to go. I pray that my behavior and decisions will align with your plans and purpose for my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Bill Winston’s book, The Spirit of Leadership. To order this power-packed resource and discover how to be an effective and visionary leader, click here.
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