We Are the Kingdom
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18)
When Jesus said, “build My church” (see this week’s theme verse), “My church” meant His people. My church is not a building. My church could meet down the street in the bar. Just cover the liquor, and let’s have some church!
We have brought people to the church building to get everything, to get saved, to get healed, and so forth. But, the Kingdom is in us to take salvation, healing, and every heavenly provision to the world. We don’t have to bring the people to the church building. We can go to them.
When we limit the Kingdom of God to inside the four walls of the church building, psychologically the world becomes our adversary. Anyone outside of the walls becomes the enemy. Then all the churchgoers want to work for the church because they don’t think they’re supposed to be at that “secular” job. However, that secular job becomes subjugated to the Kingdom of God the moment we step into it! It is exactly where many of us are supposed to be. We’re supposed to take the Kingdom with us into the world in which we work and live.
Dear Father, thank you that Your Kingdom is inside of me and that You’ve called me to take your salvation, healing and provision to the world. I pray that Your Kingdom is manifested through me wherever I go. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Dr. Bill Winston’s mini-book, The Kingdom of God in You. Order this amazing book today!
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