It’s Time to Take Possession
The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men. (Psalm 115:16)
Possessing an ownership mentality is a requirement to properly govern this planet. God is not running the world. I know that statement might shock a lot of people, particularly Christians, but God is running the Church and the Church should be running the world. This is a vital revelation for both kings and priests to understand if they are going to possess and control their high places (spheres of influence) on Earth and carry out the Great Commission on the level God intended.
Remember, all the power and authority that can be exercised in the earth has to be exercised through the Church or an anointed vessel. In short, problems exist because we permit them. The Church has not seen itself as the earth’s rightful heirs and owners, and therefore responsible for all that happens here, from laws to education, from employment to social unrest. We’ve been waiting for someone else or the government to fix or manage it.
Whether you are a king or a priest in the Kingdom, God has called you to take ownership over the divine assignment He has given you.
Dear Lord, in Your sovereignty, You have given man the right and responsibility of governing the earth. I repent over expecting others to do what You’ve called Your Church to do. I purpose now to take my place as You lead and equip me to fulfill my divine destiny. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Bill Winston’s book, Faith & the Marketplace – Becoming the Person of Influence GOD INTENDED YOU TO BE. To order this kingdom leadership playbook, click here.
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