Where’s Your Mountain?
as my Father hath sent me (Jesus), even so I send you (John 20:21)
God is depending on the Body of Christ not only to evangelize the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ, but also to shift the culture of the earth back to the culture of the Kingdom of God. This is the same culture that Adam was to cultivate throughout the earth before he sinned. It is a culture where the laws, beliefs, and values of God, as written in the Bible, govern and guide the attitudes and actions of all its citizens. In simplest terms, a kingdom culture is one where God is King.
To shift the culture of a society, seven social spheres or “mountains” must be influenced and dominated: government, media, education, business, sports, arts and entertainment, and the family. God sends us, as ambassadors for Christ, into these various mountains so that we can bring His presence, principles and power, “as my Father hath sent me (Jesus), even so I send you”(John 20:21). In whatever mountain God assigns you as part of your purpose, here on Earth, His plan is for you to go to the top. He knows that only those at the top of their mountain can determine the direction and destiny of that mountain.
Are you ready to go to the top of your mountain?
Dear God, reveal to me the “mountain” in which You’ve called me to fulfill Your kingdom plans and purposes. I receive that call now and the anointing to be an ambassador for Christ that I might bring Your presence, principles, and power. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Dr. Bill Winston’s book, Climbing Without Compromise. To order this inspirational mini-book that will teach you how to fulfill your God-given assignment, click here.
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