Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God (Romans 13:1)


Beyond the visible leadership qualities expressed in leaders, from gifting to instincts, is a spiritual component, a spiritual authority that drives vision, values and judgment. The Bible says, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God” (Romans 13:1). Originally, from the time of Adam, leaders were to be empowered by their connection to the divine wisdom and strength of their Creator; some refer to Him as an “Overlord.” An overlord is defined as “a lord over other lords; an absolute supreme ruler.”

For every leader, there is always some force influencing his or her leadership, either from within or without, for good or for evil. Whether it was Adam or Hitler, Esther or Rosa Parks, the decisions people make don’t purely come from their own intellectual smartness. They are heavily influenced by spiritual forces constantly at work trying to persuade us as leaders, and in turn, direct our destiny, the destiny of our communities, our cities, and the nations for the good or harm of humanity. One old adage says, “As the leadership goes, so goes the nation.”

Almost all of the time, our thoughts are stimulated by some outside source, and to whichever source we yield, that’s the results we will see. The higher we climb in rank or responsibility, the more crucial it becomes that we, the children of God, hear and follow the right voice and the direction of God—our Supreme Commander and Overlord. Many times there is a price to pay for making right decisions or doing what is right in God’s eyes. But His vindication is sure, and His rewards are great. He promises that those who follow His commands “shall not be ashamed” (Romans 10:11). The Message translation says, “No one who trusts God like this─heart and soul─will ever regret it.”


Dear God, thank you for the trust and the gifting You have placed in me as a leader. I decree that I hear and follow the right voice and Your direction, Lord God. Guide me so that I will be a leader that will obey You no matter what the cost. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

This devotional is excerpted from Bill Winston’s book, The Spirit of Leadership. To order this power-packed resource and discover how to be an effective and visionary leader, click here.

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