Favor Is Your Rightful Inheritance
Thus saith the LORD…call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
(Jeremiah 33:2–3)
Favor is a part of the rightful inheritance of every Believer. It allows God, who is supernatural, to make you a success. Now you can live believing that all things are possible, expecting riches and honor, promotions, opportunities, answers, and even battles won that you didn’t have to fight. Why? Because of the divine favor of God that is on your life.
Remember, these blessings and advantages don’t come just because you “go to church” or may be a fairly good person. They come when you stand on God’s Word in faith and expect Him to move. “Greater favor” will allow you to take on bigger opportunities, new responsibilities, and achieve higher goals in your life.
Start today confessing success and favor as a part of your daily devotion. Commit to doing it until Jesus returns. Remember Esther, who in the time of adversity placed a demand on her covenant right to the favor of God. She ended up being offered half the kingdom of Persia and delivering all of Israel. You, too, can use adverse situations and circumstances to thrive and get ahead when you decide to operate in the favor of God.
Expect God to perform miracles above and beyond the normal. God wants to give you favor…not only with men but also with Himself. Begin to confess favor every day and in every circumstance, and watch the dramatic changes that take place in your life!
Father, thank you that Your favor is part of my divine inheritance as a born-again child of God. I place a demand on my covenant in Christ to believe and confess Your favor every day in every circumstance I face. I believe I receive “above and beyond” miracles and that You show me “great and mighty things that I do not know.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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