Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. (Mark 11:24)


I trust you have been inspired by our devotional teachings this month on The Missing Link of Meditation, In closing, I want to share with you four keys to successful biblical meditation:

  1. Meditate on a success truth or “seed” from God’s Word. (The Holy Spirit will help you.)
  2. Imagine it happening to you, like top salesperson or a happy marriage. (Visualization)
  3. Act on what you see when it becomes revelation. (Actualization)
  4. Experience the physical manifestation. (You’ll start a revolution.)

If you have not been meditating, try starting with the scriptures in the book being offered this month. Then, find the promises of God in His Word. Meditate them until you see them on the canvas of your soul, and then put it to work on your next project. 

Remember, God wants you to possess all that is yours by right of sonship, which means mature offspring. And there is nothing He can give that He has not already given. Selah!


Lord, thank you for Your Spirit, who guides me to sow Word seed in my heart as I meditate on Your promises that fit my need. By faith I receive the physical manifestation of the revelation You’ve given me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

This devotional is excerpted from Bill Winston’s mini-book, The Missing Link of Meditation. To order this insightful mini-book, click here.

Listen to this devotional here.