And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs. (Mark 16:20)


How we see ourselves has everything to do with how much God can do through us in our lifetimes. To have greater influence and effectiveness in winning the world today, the Church must begin to see herself as God sees her: equipped and empowered by Him to perform signs, wonders, and miracles in this generation, just as the disciples and apostles did in theirs. Living at this high performance level of faith, where we produce from our spirits everything that is needed to enforce God’s will in the earth, is what’s known as operating in the fourth dimension.

The fourth dimension, or 4D for short, is the invisible realm of the spirit that overrides and superimposes its reality on the physical, three-dimensional world when demanded by faith. Most people understand that the 3D world in which we live is governed by the natural laws of time, space, and matter. The Church, however, is expected and equipped to operate from a higher dimension—that of the Kingdom of God, which resides on the inside of every born-again believer. In short, Christians are commissioned to not only preach the gospel but also demonstrate it.

Are you ready to move up to the fourth dimension?


Dear Father, I am ready to move up from the limitations of this three dimensional world to 4D—and operate by Your kingdom principles. Teach me daily how to walk in the fourth dimension. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

This devotional is excerpted from Dr. Bill Winston’s book, Moving Up to 4D. To order this brand-new release, click here.

Listen to this devotional here.