Living Above the Line
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
The enemy tries to pull our image below its true level, to get us living below the line. What do I mean? A preacher-friend of mine refers to what he calls the “light line.” Everything below that line is temporal. It is based on human logic and reason and an inferior image built on the natural realm. However, everything above the light line is in God’s royal realm of total provision and empowerment.
Fear cannot prevail over you above the line. Once a person realizes that God can neither lie (Titus 1:2) or fail, he or she can rest assured that He always keeps His Word. Fear usually begins with a natural thought dressed up like a fact. A below-the-line idea sneaks above the line and tries to ensnare you. When fear enters as a thought, it quickly grows into a way of thinking. Our minds are wired to go in the direction of our most dominant thoughts. Whatever we meditate on grows and becomes more convincing to us over time. Below-the-line thoughts based in fear, doubt, and natural experience become mental strongholds.
Brother or sister, hold fast to the confession of your identity and image. Stay above the line. Don’t let the devil convince you to compromise, overwhelm you with fear, or otherwise drag you back below the line into the natural realm. So start acting like you’re in charge here, because as kings and queens in the government of God, we are!
Father, I receive Your truth and anointing to live above the line, above temporal things, because I live in Your royal realm of total provision and empowerment. I will not allow fear or negative thinking to drag me back down below the line. I take my place of ruling and reigning with Christ. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Bill Winston’s revelatory book, Revelation of Royalty. Order this amazing book today!
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