Renewed Minds Are Sound Minds
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
(2 Timothy 1:7)
Perhaps the greatest benefit of having a mind that is renewed by the Word of God is that it becomes sound, which means we are grounded in the truth and free of all fear. Satan’s world system runs on fear, and God’s Kingdom runs on faith, so our transformation is real when we cease to be afraid of anything the devil can dish out.
God is looking for a people who will not fear, who will reject all worry, anxiety, and trepidation that comes their way. Jesus is building a church that will go where the Spirit says to go and do what the Word says to do knowing their God is greater than anything or anyone that would oppose them. The Bride of Christ is a fearless and faithful bride!
Where the devil and his demons are concerned, we need to know exactly where we stand. If we don’t stand in the truth that Jesus stripped them of all power and authority over us, they will strip us! In the past we have let them rob us of our marriages, our children, our friends, our jobs, our gifts and callings, our health, and our joy and peace. No more! I am determined that they will return seven-fold what they have stolen from us and never steal from us again.
You cannot have this kind of aggressive attitude toward the enemy without a renewed mind. You must be rooted and grounded in God’s love and truth to be a light in this world, to do your part in the body of Christ, to reach out to the lost and disciple the nations!
Lord, I declare that I do not fear, but I walk in love and power with a sound mind. My mind is renewed to the truth of God. I have victory over satan, and I am a light in the darkness to reach my family, friends and neighbors with the good news of the gospel. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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