The Blessing is Received by Faith
So the Lord must wait for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the Lord is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for his help. (Isaiah 30:18 NLT)
God is a God of love, and His desire is for you to be abundantly blessed. He wants you to have everything that belongs to you in His Word. The Blessing is designed to give you your inheritance and take back everything the enemy has stolen from you. The Blessing will fix whatever may be broken in your life, but for it to operate, faith is a requirement.
Faith is the currency of the Kingdom and anything you receive—including The Blessing—must be received by faith. It took faith to be saved, and it takes faith to be healed or to access anything else you need or desire from God.
One man of God said that “revelation is the bedrock of faith.” And we need revelation of The Blessing like never before.Because the more knowledge you have, the more faith you can generate and the more you can do for God.
Dear God, thank you for making me Your child through Jesus Christ. One of the benefits I’ve received is “The Blessing,” As I had faith to become born again, I activate that same faith to receive The Blessing over every area of my life. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Dr. Bill Winston’s insightful book, Faith In The Blessing. Order this amazing book today!
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