What is Favor?
You will arise and have compassion on Zion (symbolic for the Church), for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come. (Psalm 102:13 NIV)
In my life, God has given me favor (His assistance) as I do His will. When we came to Chicago, my wife and I received large amounts of favor. With no place to stay, a sister in Christ opened her home to us. She took care of us as we began our ministry.
My wife and I held our first meetings on Saturdays at the Quality Inn on Halsted Street in Chicago, Illinois. We ministered and the people came. One day, a minister who attended our meeting asked if we would visit her ministry group at Lake and Pulaski Streets on Chicago’s West Side. Understand, no one knew me at this ministry, but I still went to minister the Word of God. I had the truth and, in Jesus’ Name, I went to share it!
Then here comes the favor of God again. After I finished ministering, we laid hands on the sick and cast out devils, and miracles were taking place all over. The minister who had this facility said, “God is telling me to turn this place over to you right now.” Glory to God! It happened so quickly, I said, “Whoa! Wait a minute…hold on now, let me go and pray about this. When I prayed about it, what do you think the Lord said? “Take it.” Praise God!
Dear God, I know with You, all things are possible. You can turn things around no matter how impossible the situation may look. I believe I receive Your favor in (name a situation you are facing that needs God’s favor) and You will bring victory! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Bill Winston’s book, Divine Favor, A Gift From God. To order this inspiring book, click here.
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