Sowing the Word
But that on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. (Luke 8:15)
Sowing the Word is taking a specific Bible verse, memorizing it, meditating it, getting it deep in our hearts and flooding our minds until it becomes so real that it begins to manifest in our lives. The sower sows the Word, and the entire Kingdom of God is based on this principle. As you sleep, that seed is growing into a harvest, even if you do not know how! It’s God’s miracle of increase. We sow with the expectation of producing that harvest. (Mark 4:14–32, Luke 8:11, 15)
Dear God, thank you for all of the wonderful promises in Your Word. Guide me by Your Spirit to meditate a specific scripture that You want to manifest in my life today. I sow that word with expectation that it will produce a harvest. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.
This devotional is excerpted from Dr. Veronica Winston’s revised and expanded, 125 Simple Ways to Connect with God. Order this amazing book today!
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